Investigating fundamental shifts in the global economy

Vanguard’s “Megatrends” series investigates
fundamental shifts in the global economic landscape that are likely to affect the financial services industry and broader society.

AI, demographics and the US economy: Quantifying the coming tug of war

In our latest installment, our data-driven analysis looks at how AI and demographic shifts are poised to define our economic future.

Will AI transform the way we live?

Vanguard’s global chief economist, Joe Davis, explores the potential impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on our day-to-day lives as part of our new Megatrends research report.

Introducing the Vanguard Megatrends Model

The Vanguard Megatrends Model features three innovative criteria to quantify long-term economic forces:

A uniquely long and rich dataset that captures historical shifts in megatrends across the US and globally.

An integrated framework that allows long-term megatrends and shorter-term cyclical and policy variables to compete in explaining economic and financial outcomes.

An identification strategy that isolates the distinct structural drivers behind each megatrend - the fiscal or technological forces that may have differing impacts on real GDP growth, the nominal federal funds rate, inflation and the earnings yield.

Vanguard Investment Symposium

Join Joe Davis, Vanguard Global Chief Economist, Sara Devereux, Global Head of Vanguard Fixed Income Group, and other senior Vanguard thought leaders at this webinar series as they share their views on the global economy, central bank policy, equity and bond markets and more.

Investment risk information

The value of investments, and the income from them, may fall or rise and investors may get back less than they invested.

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