The Vanguard Model Portfolio Service is available through:
- 7IM
- Aegon Cofunds
- Aegon Retirement Choices
- Aviva
- Fidelity
- Fundment
- Novia
- Nucleus
- Quilter
- Standard Life
- Transact
By logging in or creating an account you can apply to have any of our model portfolios added to the platforms you use.
You can then invest your clients assets and have the peace of mind that the portfolios will be built and rebalanced by one of the largest asset managers in the world with over 50 years of experience.
The Vanguard Model Portfolio Service is available through:
You are interested in delegating part or all of the investment management process to a discretionary fund manager.
You would like a discretionary fund manager to handle the rebalancing of the elected model portfolio.
You would like to maintain ownership of the relationship with the client (agent-as-client framework).
Your clients’ investments can meet the applicable platform minimums.
You do not want a discretionary fund manager rebalancing model portfolios on your behalf.
You would like the discretionary fund manager to have a directly contracted relationship with your clients (reliance-on-others framework).
Because we will become the discretionary fund manager, we must first check that your firm is suitable for the service. Once you have completed the check, you will be able to add platforms and MPS products at any time.
Get started by logging in or creating an account.
Provide details about your business, choose the platforms you use and the model portfolios you want.
We will process your application. You can keep track of the progress in ‘My Account’.
Start offering our model portfolios to your clients.
Five choices for low-cost, uncomplicated all-in-one access to global equity and bond markets.
Note that Vanguard does not know the details of your client’s unique investment situation, so you are responsible for providing financial advice to your clients in relation to whether the Vanguard Model Portfolio Service meets their needs and the suitability of the investments within the our model portfolios on an ongoing basis.
We have set out below a summary of the risks associated with the types of investments we may include in your clients’ accounts, subject to the model portfolio(s) selected. This information is not intended to constitute a comprehensive statement of all the risks to which investors might be exposed, and there may be others that exist now, or which may arise in the future.
The value of investments may go down as well as up.
Investors are not certain to make a profit. Investors may make a loss. Investors may lose their entire investment.
The price or value of investments may fluctuate significantly.
If there are income distributions, they may also fluctuate significantly.
all investment involves some degree of risk. The MPS requires investors to invest their capital and they could get back less than they invested. Accordingly, prior to making a decision to invest it
is important for investors to understand the risks associated with their investment. What they get back depends on how their investments perform, the charges which are made, and any other deductions. The performance of investment funds is not guaranteed, and past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results. The value of investments, and the income from them, can fall as well as rise.
Investors may end up investing all or a significant part of their assets exclusively in several Vanguard managed funds and products. This approach may carry more risk than investing in a wide range of products available from a larger number of providers.
These are specific risks related to the financial products your clients will be investing in. All financial products in the investable universe of Vanguard’s MPS have distinct characteristics and risks, as they follow different investment strategies. These risks are outlined in product-specific documentation which are available from the links earlier in this document.
The real value of an investor’s investments may be adversely affected by inflation, reducing the buying power and therefore the sufficiency of their money for the duration of the investment period.
Where the underlying investments in one or more of the Vanguard Funds in which the model portfolio is invested is denominated in a non-Sterling currency, a movement of exchange rates may have either a positive or negative effect on the gain or loss otherwise experienced by the investment.
Some funds invest in emerging markets which can be more volatile than more established markets. As a result the value of your investment may rise or fall.
Funds investing in fixed interest securities carry the risk of default on repayment and erosion of the capital value of your investment and the level of income may fluctuate. Movements in interest rates
are likely to affect the capital value of fixed interest securities. Corporate bonds may provide higher yields but as such may carry greater credit risk increasing the risk of default on repayment and erosion of the capital value of your investment. The level of income may fluctuate and movements in interest rates are likely to affect the capital value of bonds.
For further information on the risks associated with theunderlying funds that the model portfolios are investedin, please see the “Risk Factors” section of each fund’s prospectus.
The value of investments, and the income from them, may fall or rise and investors may get back less than they invested.
Investments in smaller companies may be more volatile than investments in well-established blue chip companies.
Funds investing in fixed interest securities carry the risk of default on repayment and erosion of the capital value of your investment and the level of income may fluctuate. Movements in interest rates are likely to affect the capital value of fixed interest securities. Corporate bonds may provide higher yields but as such may carry greater credit risk increasing the risk of default on repayment and erosion of the capital value of your investment. The level of income may fluctuate and movements in interest rates are likely to affect the capital value of bonds.
The Funds may use derivatives in order to reduce risk or cost and/or generate extra income or growth. The use of derivatives could increase or reduce exposure to underlying assets and result in greater fluctuations of the Fund's net asset value. A derivative is a financial contract whose value is based on the value of a financial asset (such as a share, bond, or currency) or a market index.
Some funds invest in securities which are denominated in different currencies. Movements in currency exchange rates can affect the return of investments.
For further information on the model portfolio risks please see the “Risk Factors” section for the prospectus of the underlying funds on our website.
This is directed at professional investors and should not be distributed to, or relied upon by retail investors.
For further information on the investment policies and risks of the model portfolio(s), please refer to the prospectus and KIID of the underlying funds before making any final investment decisions. The KIID for each fund is available, alongside the prospectus via Vanguard’s website.
This is designed for use by, and is directed only at persons resident in the UK.
The information contained herein is not to be regarded as an offer to buy or sell or the solicitation of any offer to buy or sell securities in any jurisdiction where such an offer or solicitation is against the law, or to anyone to whom it is unlawful to make such an offer or solicitation, or if the person making the offer or solicitation is not qualified to do so. The information is general in nature and does not constitute legal, tax, or investment advice. Potential investors are urged to consult their professional advisers on the implications of making an investment in, holding or disposing of shares and /or units of, and the receipt of distribution from any investment.
The Manager of the Ireland domiciled funds may determine to terminate any arrangements made for marketing the shares in one or more jurisdictions in accordance with the UCITS Directive, as may be amended from time-to-time.
For investors in UK domiciled funds, a summary of investor rights can be obtained and is available in English.
Issued by Vanguard Asset Management Limited, which is authorised and regulated in the UK by the Financial Conduct Authority.
© 2025 Vanguard Asset Management Limited. All rights reserved.