When you invest with any fund manager, you will have to pay a number of charges. These include an Annual Management Charge (known as the AMC) which covers the fund manager's own costs of managing the fund over the year.
However, with most managers you will also typically pay additional running costs. These are likely to include administration fees, audit fees (where an independent auditor checks that all accounts are fair and honest), custody fees (the cost of holding securities in a secure and legal manner) and other operational expenses. The AMC and these additional running costs make up the fund's OCF.
Our approach is different as we pay all running costs out of our AMC, therefore we expect that our AMC will be the same as our OCF. This helps us to be more transparent and gives you a better understanding of the cost of your investment.
Will your OCF/Annual Management Charges (AMCs) change?We may revise our OCF/AMC from time to time where the total costs of administering the fund change.