Benefits: Huge user base, different targeting options available and an ability to share a variety of content types.
Drawbacks: Algorithms are frequently changing, and there is a decreasing organic reach and growing competition for visibility.
Benefits: Engagement rates are generally high and the strong visual aspect enhances brand-building capabilities.
Drawbacks: There are limited options to allow links to posts and frequent algorithm changes can negatively impact reach and visibility.
Benefits: Large and active user base, wide audience reach and ability to share in “real-time.”
Drawbacks: The fast-moving environment makes it a difficult platform in which to stand out.
Benefits: Professional network with many business-to-business marketing opportunities.
Drawbacks: Competition for attention can be high and the focus on written content may stifle creativity.
Benefits: Huge user base and high engagement rates, along with the ability to host a variety of video content.
Drawbacks: Algorithm changes can negatively affect the impact reach and competition for visibility can be high. Being a solely video-based platform is limiting.
Benefits: A large and growing user base that is particularly popular amongst the younger demographic. High engagement rates and very visual.
Drawbacks: The platform is constantly evolving, which, along with the algorithm changes, may make it less suitable for some businesses.
Platforms are constantly developing so remember that the benefits and drawbacks can change over time. It’s therefore important to regularly evaluate and adjust (if necessary) your social media strategy.
Don’t make assumptions
As far as social media goes, data is your friend, so use it to direct your social marketing strategy. There are many sources from which you can find reliable and up-to-date social media data. These include: