Make sure you’re authorised to sign our Terms of Business (opens in a new tab). Only a director or partner of a firm, or someone authorised by them, can agree to our Terms of Business.
Check that our model portfolios are available on the platforms your firm uses. Our model portfolios are available on:
Enter some details about your firm, including your firm’s FCA number.
Choose the model portfolios you’d like to access and tell us which platforms you use.
Review and agree to our Terms of Business.
We’ll process your information and start adding our model portfolios to your platforms.
We’ll email you as soon as you’re able to offer our model portfolios to your clients.
Your firm’s FCA number.
Your firm’s company number with Companies House (limited companies and LLPs only).
The names of all your firm’s directors or partners (limited companies and LLPs only).
Your principal firm or network’s details (for appointed representatives only).