Module 1: The principles of investing

Learning objectives

  • Understand the concept of a diversified portfolio and its significance for investors, including risk reduction and enhanced returns.
  • Explore the challenges of managing diversified portfolios and how technology can aid asset allocation.

This module will also enable the reader to understand and implement the four principles for investment success:

  • Setting clear and appropriate investment goals based on client objectives, time horizons, risk profiles and investable assets.
  • Creating a suitable asset allocation using broadly diversified funds to manage risk in portfolios.
  • Recognising the impact of investment costs on long-term returns and striving to minimise expenses.
  • Instilling discipline and perspective in clients, helping them remain committed to their long-term investment strategy through market fluctuations.

Further objectives:

  • Understand the significance of diversification in creating and managing a well-rounded portfolio.
  • Define investment goals and constraints, establishing a sound investment plan, sub-asset allocation within classes, and the allocation to indexed or actively managed funds.
  • Explore the importance of regular rebalancing to uphold a consistent risk profile.



Learning outcomes

  • Ability to explain the importance of a diversified portfolio and its benefits, and understanding of how key factors like risk tolerance and correlations will help construct portfolios aligned with investor goals.
  • Recognise common mistakes in diversified portfolio construction and adopt strategies to overcome them.
  • Knowledge of Vanguard’s proprietary models – the Vanguard Asset Allocation Model (VAAM) and Vanguard Capital Market Model (VCMM) to enable optimised portfolio management in different market environments.
  • Understand how to guide clients in establishing measurable and attainable investment goals, tailored to their individual circumstances, risk tolerance and objectives.
  • Understand the uses of lower-cost solutions to enhance potential returns.
  • Understand the necessity of encouraging clients to maintain discipline and perspective during market fluctuations.
  • Understand the significance of diversification in portfolio construction.
  • Unit 1: Four principles for investment success

    Reading time: 3 minutes

    Discover our four principles for investment success that rest on a simple idea: Focus on what you can control.

    Unit 1: Four principles for investment successRead the article
  • Unit 2: The power of diversification

    Reading time: 11 minutes

    This article discusses the power of diversification and specifically how to create and maintain a diversified portfolio by focusing on five major components.

    Unit 2: The power of diversificationRead the article
  • Video 2: An introduction to diversified portfolios

    Watching time: 5 minutes

    Find out more about portfolio diversification and why it is important for investors.

    Video 2: An introduction to diversified portfoliosWatch video
  • Video 3: Diversified portfolios: considerations and challenges

    Watching time: 5 minutes

    Learn about the main challenges advisers can face in building diversified portfolios.

    Video 3: Diversified portfolios: considerations and challengesWatch video
  • Video 4: Building and maintaining diversified investment portfolios

    Watching time: 5 minutes

    In this video, we look at a framework advisers can use to build diversified portfolios.

    Video 4: Building and maintaining diversified investment portfoliosWatch video
  • Video 5: Models for portfolio construction

    Watching time: 5 minutes

    In this video, we learn about proprietary models for diversified portfolio construction.

    Video 5: Models for portfolio constructionWatch video
  • Module 1 quiz

    Take the Module 1 quiz for 30 minutes of CPD.

    Module 1 quizTake the quiz

Other sections on Investment knowledge

CPD content formulated for you to explore in-depth insights on investment principles, portfolio construction and comprehensive product education to expand your technical knowledge. 

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