Why Vanguard?

Vanguard is a different kind of investment company. It was founded in the United States in 1975 on a simple but revolutionary idea: that an investment company should manage its funds solely in the interests of its clients.

This is a philosophy that has helped millions of people around the world to achieve their goals with low-cost, uncomplicated investments.

It's what we stand for: value to investors.

Vanguard facts and figures


Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, USA

Chairman and CEO

Salim Ramji

Funds offered

212 in the US, and 216 funds in markets outside the US

Founded in


Global AUM

USD 10.4 trillion*


Client owned**

Number of employees

20,000 worldwide***

*Data as of 31 January 2025. Monetary figures are in US dollars.

**The Vanguard Group, Inc. is owned by Vanguard's US-domiciled funds and ETFs. Those funds in turn are owned by their investors.

*** Crew headcount updated annually as of 31 December 2023.

Low cost, uncomplicated investments

Investors can't control the markets, but they can control costs. Every pound paid in fees is a pound less of potential return. That is why we focus on low-cost, uncomplicated funds that can help investors meet their long-term goals. Explore our range below.

Gain low-cost access to talented investment teams
Build a low-cost core to your portfolio
Discover liquid, versatile access to the core markets

Support for our clients

We are committed to helping our clients bring value to investors. That is why we offer live digital briefings, in-depth articles, and regularly updated commentary to help our clients navigate the markets and build better portfolios for their investors.

Live adviser briefings

Live adviser briefings

Our regular series of live adviser webinars feature a panel of experts covering a range of economic, investment and practice management topics.

Live adviser briefings

The Vanguard difference

Our unique mutual ownership structure in the US, where we are owned by our clients*, means our interests are aligned with those of our investors globally. It is this structure that underpins our core purpose, which is to take a stand for all investors, treat them fairly and give them the best chance for investment success. Read our guides to discover the true Vanguard difference.

Discover our four principles for investment success.
Get the quick overview of who Vanguard is.
Read more about what makes Vanguard different.

Important Information